First off, I would like to thank each and every one of you who braved the heat and the winds to come visit us in Henderson, Nevada this past weekend!
If you were there Sunday morning to afternoon, you know that we started taking the tent apart early.
Unfortunately, it wasn't early enough!
The winds REALLY picked up, and our booth was trying to mosey away from us, down the street. It was only hampered by NINE people holding on for dear life.
To the other eight of you who helped save us from serious injury - a BIG thank you!
I can't explain how grateful I am that you all were willing to risk life and limb to keep the booth from flying away.
On a lighter note:
Happy customers!!!
Upcoming shows:
Saturday, May 21st and Sunday May 22nd
10am - 6:30pm
Strawberry Meadows of College Park
3250 South Rose Ave, Oxnard CA
Saturday, May 28th, Sunday, May 29th and Monday, May 30th
10am - 6pm
Hermosa Avenue (by the pier) between 10th and 13th Street
Hermosa Beach, CA
Booth #304, 305