Monday, June 6, 2011

About Sunnyvale...

In case you showed up to the show in Sunnyvale, you may have noticed something... We weren't there.

We made the drive up the coast in beautiful weather, but when we awoke Saturday morning to set up (at 4am, thank you very much), it was raining. No, not just raining. 

Ora and I tried to find our booth location, but the rain had washed all the markings off of the sidewalk. We parked near where we THOUGHT the booth was, and went for breakfast to wait out the rain.
The rain didn't stop. Here's Ora standing under an awning, still holding her umbrella. 
Double coverage: Yes, it was that rainy. 

Basically, we waited around for the rain to stop. It didn't. We packed up and headed back down the coast.

The good news: We'll be attending the La Jolla Arts Festival in two weeks! Here's all the info:

Saturday, June 18th and Sunday, June 19th
9am to 5pm
Genesee Avenue and Regents Road
$10 admission

The other good news: We tried mead for the first time up in Sunnyvale.
Not the worst way to keep dry!